

Hospitality Training Institute was founded in 2002 and from the very beginning the realized its aims and objectives through targeted advice and training especially for small and medium enterprises in rural areas, through participation in international education and development projects and involvement in international professional networks. Over time, the Institute expanded its activities to the support and development of sustainable tourism and small business as farming, crafts, food production …. in economically disadvantaged and rural regions, and to protection and renewal of destroyed food and culinary heritage.
The Institute has legal form of NGO - civic association and its´ membership base is made up of independent experts from different areas of hospitality, tourism,university sector, research and ICT.
The main objectives of our Institute are:
  • support, consultancy and training for SMEs in tourism services
  • initiation and support of small business start-ups in rural regions
  • cooperation with public authorities responsible for regional development and tourism
  • cooperation with vocational schools across professions and branches
  • development of specific training and education programs in response to local, regional, national and international needs of companies and employees
  • realization of national and international projects targeted to above mentioned activities
  • research in hospitality, tourism and regional development
  • support, protection and promotion of regional food traditions,farming, food & crafts production
  • support of sustainable development in disadvantaged regions through traditional small farming, artisan food & crafts production and tourism services
Over the years, the Institute has created a wide international pool of experts in many different areas as hospitality, sustainable tourism, regional development, tourism research, traditional small agribusiness and food production, ICT technologies, E-learning programs & applications, European cultural heritage, destination marketing & online marketing, smart destinations etc… and became a respected organization providing services at high professional level.
Hospitality Training Institute cooperates in the level of VET training, projects and other activities with Regional Tourism Authorities in five Czech and Moravian regions. Joint activities in research, education, strategic planning and analyses are performed together with Czech It – Institute for Strategic Studies in Tourism – leading Czech body in tourism research. After twelve years of training, projects and consultancy activities, the Institute created built-on-trust contacts with hundreds of enterprises and other stakeholders in Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Hospitality Training Institute provides a methodology for placing teachers into companies for a two-week period to study workflow, guest contacts, administration and management practices. The methodology follows a workflow approach describing the roles and responsibilities of the actors involved along the process of placement.

Hospitality Traning Institute offers following services: -Tailor-made training programs for Hospitality & Tourism Industry - Hospitality audits and analyses - Mystery Shopping research - Customer & Staff Satisfaction surveys - Human Resources advisory - Implementing, support and training of Hospitality Quality Standards


Hospitality Training Institute poskytuje metodiku pro umísťování odborných učitelů na praktické čtrnáctidenní stáže do firem pro získání průběžné oborové praxe, kontaktu s akutálními oborovými problémy a provozním, technologickým i manažerským vývojem v oboru služeb cestovního ruchu.