The Hospitality Training Institute provides a methodology for placing teachers into companies for a two-week period to study workflow, guest contacts, administration and management practices. The methodology follows a workflow approach describing the roles and responsibilities of the actors involved along the process of placement.
Hospitality Traning Institute offers following services: -Tailor-made training programs for Hospitality & Tourism Industry - Hospitality audits and analyses - Mystery Shopping research - Customer & Staff Satisfaction surveys - Human Resources advisory - Implementing, support and training of Hospitality Quality Standards
Hospitality Training Institute poskytuje metodiku pro umísťování odborných učitelů na praktické čtrnáctidenní stáže do firem pro získání průběžné oborové praxe, kontaktu s akutálními oborovými problémy a provozním, technologickým i manažerským vývojem v oboru služeb cestovního ruchu.